Cleaning and care

To ensure the longevity of your rugs, we advise you to take good care of your rugs.

Scroll down to see our best tips.



Regular vacuuming

Rugs need frequent vacuuming. If you let dust sit in your rug, it will dig deeper into the fibres, which can lead to wear and tear. We recommend vacuuming your rug at least once a week. It is best to shake the rug out before your start vacuuming, to loosen the dirt, and to use an upholstery attachment to gently vacuum.Always vacuum with the grain of the pile, moving slowly in long, one-directional strokes, rather than briskly back and forth.



Sprouts are threads that appear to have untangled from the rug and stick out taller than the other threads. It is completely normal for this to happen every now and then, as they occur due to the natural weaving of the rug. If you find sprouts, use sharp scissors to trim the sprout down so it doesn’t unravel further.


Removing stains right away

Stains, spots and marks happen to every rug. To minimize the risk of longterm marks we recommend you to do the following as soon as possible (always avoid using harsh chemicals).

  • Immediately blot any spills with un-dyed cloth and lukewarm water only

  • Keep blotting, don't start off scrubbing

  • Press firmly around the affected area to absorb as much of the spill

  • You can also use green soap to help if needed (first test your soap on a small unnoticeable piece of the rug to see how it reacts to the soap).

  • Use dry un-dyed towels to remove all the moisture

  • For stains, spots and marks that are beyond your magic, we recommend professional rug cleaning as soon as possible.


Professional rug cleaning

Though wool can take a wet clean, that type of deep-cleaning is best left to the professionals who know how to wash a wool rug properly. We recommend this is once a year, if you have a pet or children twice a year would be better. If you would like us to recommend a professional cleaning company, get in touch.



Unfortunately moths are also among the Amazigh rug lovers! Here are some tips to avoid moths in your rugs.

You can prevent moths from nesting in your rug by vacuum cleaning your rugs thoroughly but carefully regularly.

Moth larvae are hard to see, but they are white, have a soft fuzzy texture, and their shape is similar to rice. They nest in the roots of the rug pile. If you find any, immediately remove them and check thoroughly for more. Afterwards, hang the rug outside to air in daylight, as moths like dark environments and sunlight will chase them away.

Other things that can prevent moths are a essential oils such as cedar and peppermint, which can be sprayed directly on the rugs or used in an oil diffuser to scent in the room, both techniques should be repeated regularly to keep moths at bay.